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A love story between him and fellow academic Clara develops, and Peter learns the weight of all the things he has promised. As he searches for help, his past unwinds before him, revealing how the pressures of power and his own aspirations have led him into this crisis he must somehow escape. You play Peter, a Cambridge academic who crashlands in Cold War Antarctica. The main plot asks questions about the consequences of life choices, of pursuing either career or true love, manoeuvring between now and the past. South of the Circle is an emotional narrative experience with a deep multi-layered cinematic story. If by any chance you like any of them, go to the Google Play Store and try it out yourself! Original Article by Jupiter Hadley, last update by Pocket Gamer Staff.Download South of the Circle for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of South of the Circle on PC.

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So, click on the big button below to read on and find out our favourite adventure games for Android, and if you think we've missed something then leave us a comment, because we do occasionally revisit our various lists to make sure that we've kept them completely up to date and true to the genre. but whatever you play as you're in charge of your own story and helping others with theirs.ĭon't linger too much, dive into the list of best adventure games for Android! You can play as a dog, as a cat-bird, as a human.

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If you enjoy going into magical worlds, full of characters that you’d never see in real life - or even go into more realistic places, where things are just a little bit less boring - then you’ll find a game on this list that you’ll enjoy. What are adventure games? Well, they're normally games which captivate you and take you into a new world, one full of story, characters and often puzzles for you to enjoy. We've collected together a list of the biggest and best adventure games which'll take you beyond the horizon, to explore a world quite dissimilar to our own. If you've been looking for the best adventure games for Android then look no further, you've found the best place. Updated on September 13th, 2021 - Added new adventure titles to the list

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