Dragon city dream and george
Dragon city dream and george

dragon city dream and george

I was the first member of the United States Senate to say that war was a mistake.ĬNN: What is the one question you would want to ask yourself about your legacy? Maybe we would have been better off if we had straddled some of the issues that were controversial.ĬNN: What was the most controversial issue that you took a stand on? I never said one thing that I didn't believe deep in my soul.ĬNN: Is what's good for the soul necessarily good for getting to the White House? Even though we lost the campaign, I left with a clear conscience. We just got out there and said what we thought.

dragon city dream and george

McGOVERN: In that campaign, I and the people working for me said exactly what we believed was in the best interests of the country. McGovern answered five questions for at the Democratic National Convention.ĬNN: You ran for president in a different time in this country. McGovern lost his bid for the presidency in a landslide defeat to President Richard Nixon. Congress as a representative and senator for 22 years. BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) - The Democratic Party's nominee for president in 1972, George McGovern served South Dakota in the U.S.

Dragon city dream and george